If you have realised that you don’t have the time or the skills required to paint your home, it is best you get professional assistance.
We are here for you!
If you need any detailed information relating to our services and products, please fill out the contact form or call us at +386 70 555 238.
If you decide to send us your questions in writing, we will respond to you in the shortest time possible.
We apply the latest technologies and push
the boundaries of innovation in the search
for solutions to satisfy the needs of our customers.
We are the partner who speaks your language
and who stands by you throughout the project.
We are certain that we can help you find
exactly what you need!
“The investment is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union under the European Regional Development Fund.”
The operation was selected for co-financing at the “Public call for co-financing the costs of digitization of sales channels and presentation and marketing materials for promotion in foreign markets”.
The investment is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union under the European Regional Development Fund.
Operation title: HEMT promocija v tujini
Operation duration: 5.8.2020 – 30.10.2020